The W-CAP puppet shows are ideal for
church, school, community groups, family reunions and village meetings. Each show provides funny entertainment appropriate for
children and families of all ages. There are more than
20 puppet shows to choose from within the following topics: nutrition, health, anti-smoking/drinking, tsunami safety education,
dental and personal hygiene. We can accomodate groups up to 40 children and can include songs, games and educational materials for pre-school through 8th grade. The shows last from 10-20 minutes.
To request a puppet show please email or call 684.699.1842. Let us know which show/topic you are interested in having us present.
Because we are a non-profit we ask for a $25 donation per hour to help cover staff, fuel charges, and the cost of educational materials provided.
A group of women and children watching
the puppet show learn the basics of good nutrition. |